Groundsman Inspection

Staffordshire FA Groundsman Workshop - 22 October 2018

Grounds staff from across the county are invited to join Staffordshire FA for a special workshop aimed at providing insight into pitch maintenance.

Staffordshire FA are delighted to confirm that our next groundsman workshop will be taking place on the evening of Monday 22 October 2018, 6.30pm – 9.00pm.

The workshop will take place at Stafford Rangers Football Club, Marston Road Stadium, Astonfields Road, Stafford, ST16 3UF. The workshop is free of charge and a great opportunity for volunteer groundsmen and their clubs across Staffordshire to gain more knowledge and advice, which in turn will hopefully help to improve their playing surfaces. 

The workshop will once again be supported by our two FA Pitch Advisors – Andy Jackson (Stoke City FC Grounds Manager) and Kevin Duffill (IOG Regional Pitch Advisor), along with other experts from across the pitch maintenance industry. This will be the ninth groundsman workshop Staffordshire FA have delivered since launching our Pitch Improvement Programme and the network of volunteer groundsman from across Staffordshire continues to grow, with the workshops and pitch visits continuing to have a really positive impact on the improvement of grass pitches across the county. 

This will be another great opportunity to network with other groundsmen from across the county, as well as picking up some additional advice and guidance from the industry experts.

As well as providing an update on the Staffordshire FA Pitch Improvement Programme and how we’re aiming for the programme to have an ever bigger impact on clubs in 2019 and beyond, there will also be a live over-seeding demonstration out on the stadium pitch during the evening, as well as additional advice and guidance from our pitch advisors and other experts from across the industry during the evening.

As mentioned below, the network of clubs and volunteer groundsman from across Staffordshire who are embracing the pitch improvement programme continues to grow and it will be great to see a few new faces in attendance on the 22nd, in addition to those who have been involved in the programme for a number of seasons now.

If your club/organisation would like to attend the workshop, please send an email to Gareth Thomas, Senior Football Services Officer (Participation) at Derbyshire FA, by emailing confirming the following:

Name of club/organisation
Name of attendee(s)
Contact email address

A further confirmation email will be sent out to all attendees ahead of the workshop taking place.

For further information on the workshop, please contact Gareth via the above details.

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