The Practice Spectrum: A Webinar on Effective Decision-Making and Coach Development

Join us for a 2-hour webinar exploring the world of decision-making, coaching philosophy, and the practice spectrum in football.

In this interactive session, we will delve into how players make decisions and how coaches can support and develop effective decision-making environments.

Our guest speaker for the event is Yasar Latif - an FA Coach Developer with over 10 years of experience in coaching and coach education. Yas holds several UEFA accredited coaching qualifications, including the UEFA A Licence, the FA Advance Youth Award, and the UEFA B Goalkeeping Licence.

As a coach, mentor, and content creator, Yas has already supported thousands of coaches in over 60 countries globally, and his mission is to continue supporting individuals in achieving self-mastery through his workshops, speaking events, and coach mentoring programs.

In this webinar, we will explore:

  • What it means to have a Practice Philosophy
  • The Practice Spectrum, including the range of practice types, their potential benefits, and drawbacks.
  • Key considerations going forward for coaches
  • An opportunity for Q&A from attendees

The webinar will be held on 6th March 2023 and will take place online from 6:30pm.

Whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out, this is a great opportunity to gain insights, ask questions, and connect with others in the coaching community.

Don't miss out on this valuable learning opportunity and sign up today!

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