2022 Key Dates
Season Switch Downtime - As per previous seasons, all platforms (with the exception of Full-Time) will be offline from July 1st to July 6th
Player Registration
Player Registration will be available for Leagues to open from July 6th. Regardless of League Registration opening dates, Clubs can start adding players to teams and adding player details from July 6th. You can quickly access your Player Registrations by going straight to Clubs.TheFA.com
Affiliation for the 2022-23 season is now open. To support clubs in completing their membership via the Whole Game System, we have produced a Club Membership Guide. The Club Membership Guide aims to provide clubs with a step-by-step guide in how to complete your club’s membership via the Whole Game System. View the guide: https://en.calameo.com/read/00702887853d367d03d46
League Sanction
Please contact Support@StaffordshireFA.com for details of when your affiliation will be available.
Matchday will be offline from July 1st to July 7th whilst the seasons switch over.