Stepping Over the Sidelines – Female Workshop
Have you ever thought about volunteering in your local football club? Maybe your son, daughter, younger brother or sister play football and you would like to get more involved and help the team out? The FA Stepping Over the Sidelines workshop could be perfect for you!
This session aims to give interested females the opportunity to learn more about the basics of coaching and help them identify some of their own transferrable skills they could use to coach.
Don’t worry if you’re thinking “but I’ve never really played football properly” or “I don’t know all of the rules” – you are exactly the type of people this workshop is designed for!
Listen to Catherine Perry-Jones, a coach at Little Canfield Stars, who explains how she got involved in coaching
The workshop will be delivered virtually by Stacey Miles, FA Regional Coach Developer Officer and supported by Jake Triggs, Football Participation Officer at Staffordshire FA, on Monday 31st January, 7-8.30pm.
The workshop will be extremely informal and provide information about what you can expect should you wish to start volunteering/coaching.
If you would like more information, please contact Jake on or if you would like to sign up to attend the workshop, please sign up using the below link: