
New Pan Disability Session

A new adult pan-disability session gets under way with Port Vale Foundation this Thursday.

A new adult pan-disability session gets under way with Port Vale Foundation this Thursday.

The fun and inclusive football sessions are delivered by experienced coaches for males and females aged 16+ with disabilities and additional needs.

Players will gain opportunities to represent Port Vale against other pan-disability squads in competitions and tournaments.

Disability Lead Coach, Josh Jones, said: “This is a really exciting venture for Port Vale Foundation and as the world of disability football continues to grow nationally, we cannot wait to participate in creating our own journey. Disability isn’t a barrier, it is just a chance to do things differently.”

pandisabilityVenue: Port Vale Foundation Building (ST6 1AW)
Date: Every Thursday from 3rd February
Time: 6.00pm-7.00pm
Cost: £3 per session

Book here